Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Alt.religion.eckankar Publication date: 1996
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Cited from Harold Klemp: "Paul restated the fact that as a young man he got the First Initiation from Sudar Singh. The second came from Rebazar Tarzs, and the Rod of ECK Power was passed to him in 1965 by Rebazar. Paul said, 'I have not had any other initiations from anyone, and even if it were so, they would be worthless because only the ECK Masters can give initiations. Any other initiation is like a baptism.' On September 9, 1971, just days before his translation, Paul wrote to Kirpal Singh in Delhi, India, that he never recognized him as a Master, or that he could give initiations, and his work was not in the best interest of spirituality. 'Your teachings are orthodox, and as a preacher you are not capable of assisting anyone spiritually. Even your titles always seem fabricated,' said Paul. Singh was guilty of trying to hold Paul in psychic bondage. Records that claimed to show that Paul was a member of Singh's ashram were further declared to be forgeries, as were papers with Paul's supposed signature. No more did Paul want to get threatening mail or suffer other harassments. This exchange of correspondence points to the barrage of criticism that is thrown at one who enters into the state of the Mahanta Consciousness." - pages 20-21, The Eck Satsang Discourses, 4th series, Harold Klemp. DAVID LANE COMMENTS: This is exactly the kind of rhetoric which I encountered when saying something quite simple: Paul Twitchell had a ten year plus association with Kirpal Singh. The very fact that Klemp can rehash this trumped up charge of "forgery" is very curious indeed. Just read what Twitchell says about Kirpal Singh in his original article, THE GOD EATERS. Twitchell himself states that the story of his trip through the inner regions, as recounted in THE TIGER'S FANG, was with KIRPAL SINGH! I have personally seen the papers. I am very curious on how this charge of forgery can be recirculated when it is obvious (just by Twitchell's own writings) that Paul Twitchell was a long-time follower of Kirpal Singh. And if we are making an accusation of "forgery" I would be very interested to know what was "forged"? Pictures? Twitchell's initiation papers? letters?
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