Transcriber: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Gakko Came From Venus Publication date: forthcoming
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28 Aug 1987 Dear Mr. Lane, Thank you for sending the publication UNDERSTANDING CULTS AND SPIRITUAL MOVEMENTS VOL 2, No.2 & 3 with the article "The Scientology Connection." I'm delighted that you found the material useful and decided to use it for others to see and understand. One recommendation is that date the AXIOMS OF SCIENTOLOGY as 1958 in the case of the source I sent you. They actually go back to a 1954 book called the CREATION OF HUMAN ABILITY. Giving the date establishes beyond a doubt which con cult has precedence. Next is a mistake on my part regarding the article. As the material is presented it puts Hubbard in the light of being the source of this information and the originator. I did not send you the sources which Hubbard borrowed from to make up the axioms. The danger in this is that a quick glance by a borderline ECKY may convince him to swing over to a far more evil and manipulative cult of Hubbards. I won't make that mistake again. In fact that seems to be the entire purpose of your publications; to "really" understand the nature and composition of cults, not just ECK. Enclosed is a book ad for L. RON HUBBARD: MESSIAH OR MADMAN? which is a brilliant in-depth peek at the man behind the idealistic facade of his public writings. Also two of the contents pages are enclosed. There are many similarities between ECK and Scientology in how both manipulate people. As I mentioned in my first letter to you, Twitchell has borrowed many, many concepts from Hubbard just skimming through only one book I have on ECK, THE LETTERS TO GAIL, Volume one. I don't have volume two which is also probably loaded with more lifts from Scientology. There are so many of these plagiarisms that revealing them to you would almost be a full-time occupation. I'm sure you're interested in them and I see that you are putting what I have sent you to good use, so I will continue. I only ask two things of you. One, that my name be kept in confidence (as you have done with the published article). I trust you now. And secondly, you make some mention of plagiarizing Hubbard uses in the same manner that Twitchell does. To save time in xeroxing and typing of the HUB-TWITCH CONNECTIONS, I propose the following feature. I'm enclosing some books on Scientology and will mention the connections by page number and refer to the page number of LETTERS TO GAIL. Example; FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT by LRH 1956 (FOT for short) LETTERS TO GAIL Page 57 (March 1, 1963) SUBJECT: THEORY OF GAMES (Pages 57 and 61 are on this subject) FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT Chapter 6 Pages 44 to 53 (SUBJECT: GAMES) Chapter 12 Pages 92 to 11 " " (This is the source of the plagiarism by Twitch.) HUBBARD'S SOURCE OF PLAGIARISM OF THE GAME THEORY HOMO LUDENS, A STUDY OF THE PLAY ELEMENT IN CULTURE by John Huizinga 1950 (HOMO LUDENS defines man at play or man as a player) HOMO LUDENS I will try to get a few pages of xeroxes from this book to show the link. Another book for info only as it is dated 1970 is GOD & GAMES TOWARD A THEOLOGY OF PLAY by David L. Miller Harper Colophon Books 1973 edition END This format is what I will use in the future if you are interested in more HUB-TWITCH CONNECTIONS. And boy there are many. Here's a quicky since I'm on page two and have some space. SUBJECT; REACTIVE MIND LETTERS TO GAIL pages 28 to 30 FOT............. Chapter 7 PARTS OF MAN pages 54 to 70 REACTIVE MIND data on pages 58 to 60 HUBBARD'S PLAGIARISM SOURCE: Peter Illich Pavlov and Sigmund Freud (No exact quotes conveniently at hand, but I have them) OTHER TWITCHELL RELATED MATERIAL ENCLOSED. 1. SELF ANALYSIS by Hubbard 1951 (The only recommended by Twitchell in LETTERS TO GAIL on page 167 conveniently hidden amongst 100 other sources) 2. SCIENTOLOGY ABRIDGED DICTIONARY (See Reactive Mind, Thetan Axiom 1 data) 3. WRITER'S DIGEST 1941 Aug (Twitchell ad) 4. ABILITY 54 1957 (Twitchell a Scn counselor page 3. So he was a teacher as well as a writer for Scn.) 5. SOURCE UNLIMITED 1966 (Twitchell cult ad [not Eckankar} on back page) 6. PROBE mag 1972 Dec (chart of salvation of ECK on page 39) (See MEST in Scn. dictionary) 7. CLASSIFICATION GRADATION AND AWARENESS CHARTS OF LEVELS FOR DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY 1969 Sept (similar to ECK chart in many ways) 8. DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY TECHNICAL DICTIONARY 1975 (see MEST) An expanded dictionary to the one enclosed. Well, that's it have fun with the connection. If you have more UNDERSTANDING CULTS AND SPIRITUAL MOVEMENTS publications that may interest me, do send them along. And other material you wish me to peek at in terms of the HUB-TWITCH CONNECTIONS would be appreciated. Sincerely, P.S. The books and items are yours. Do not return them, burn them if you don't want them or whatever
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