Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Alt.religion.eckankar Publication date: 1996
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I understand why Mark A. posted the article about data and ridicule. But in the spirit of friendly disagreements, I personally find that it is Paul Twitchell who has "ridiculed" us--and by "us" I mean the reading public, since there are thousands (inside and outside of Eckankar) who have read Paul Twitchell's books/novels. Why do I think he has "ridiculed" us? Well, look at the following quote from the ECK VIDYA (page 166; for Steve and others who want the fuller context, then read the entire chapter, and then the entire book): "These are the races which will and have occupied the earth world with the power of authority, either by conquest with arms or by diplomacy. At the present time we find that THE ARYAN RACE IS IN CHARGE OF THIS WORLD, but this will change again within a few years to THE ULEMANS, WHICH IS A RACE THAT PRESENTLY OCCUPIES THE PLANET OF JUPITER. THIS RACE WILL DESCEND UPON THE EARTH AND OTHER PLANETS THROUGHOUT THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND OCCUPY THEM, WITH ABSOLUTE RULING POWER. THIS WILL HAPPEN AROUND THE YEAR 2100. Their rule will last at least three hundred years before they are conquered by another race CALLED THE SHATIKAYAS, which will come from one of the new continents that rises out of the depths of the Pacific Ocean in the same vicinity of the LEMURIAN CONTINENT WHICH SUNK THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO." --end quote Along with Paul Twitchell's assertion about a "Moon Virus" that would cause havoc; incorrectly predicting the 1968 Presidential Election in the USA; TALKING TO GOD about big penises; and systematically miscuing Brad Steiger, John Sutphin, and others about his life...... one gets the distinct impression that common sense, verification, and the like are thrown out the window. Just think for one second: Are there really Ulemans at Jupiter, ready to assault us? Remember, we are not talking astral wars, but physical "races" of people (whatever that means--where's the Bell Curve when you need it?). And do we buy the claim that the "Aryan Race" is in charge of the world? Instead of a rebuttal about "taking things out of context" (which is sometimes a reasonable explanation, but more often than not in this group it translates as: "hey, I didn't like that sentence alone, so I better lean it up with some other, less noxious, ones..... That way I can neglect what is being said and how stupid it sounds even to me.") Actually, perhaps ridicule and ridiculous are related twins: if you perceive more of the latter, you produce more of the former as well. In any event, I wonder how the "Aryan" race will do in battle with the "Ulemans" from Jupiter. signed: Star Trek needs new scripts! ECK VIDYA is potential fertile ground for more DATA (if you get my drift), and less ridicule?
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