Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: MSAC Philosophy Group Publication date: 1996
E-mail David Christopher Lane
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want to go back to the home base now.
Dear An Eckist: Yes, it is no joke when a twenty year old college student (Jim Peebles) gets sued for a million dollars for writing a term paper based on information supplied by fellow Eckists (not me; we wrote two different papers). Jim Peebles had to live through a year of legal hell from the very group he looked to for spiritual guidance. No joke indeed. Yes, it is no joke to be a professor (Ed Gruss) in the L.A. area and get sued for a million dollars for making (watch this carefully): "one xerox" copy of Jim Peebles' term paper and giving it to an Eck representative who lied about his intentions. He also lived through legal hell for being a nice guy and giving a copy of a paper. Eckankar then claimed that he had "published" it. Yes, it is no joke to have a book typeset, advertised in catalogs, only to have it pulled right before it is published because Eckankar has the deep pockets to legally hassle would-be publishers of a book that is now available for free on the World Wide Web. Yes, it is no joke to get thousands of letters from Eckists over the past 18 years telling me that are upset that Paul Twitchell plagiarized, lied, and deceived. Yes, it is no joke to have an Ek Master try to hit on you when you are looking for spiritual enlightenment (Darwin). Yes, it is no joke to have no proof whatsoever that Sudar Singh existed, but to have a group which hassles anyone who wants to know more ((don't forget what Eckankar threatened me with for years). But I do think it is funny to think of Paul telling Gail he is 150+ years old, and then lying about how he was really just turning 40. I like the Twitch; I just don't like the B.S. and the hassling. Keep ripping, signed the it's no joke when you get sued for a million dollars fan club
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