Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Alt.religion.eckankar Publication date: 1996
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I enjoyed Richard's listing of various books that Twitchell may have encountered or "skip" read (Paul's terms) during the 60s or before. The list appears to be partially drawn from the books mentioned in LETTERS TO GAIL. I will point out one mistake on Twitchell's part and a curious one at that: When talking about Sar Bachan as "practically" his bible, Twitchell makes the interesting mistake of getting the author completely wrong. He mentions Seva (Sewa) Singh as the author when in fact it was Seth Shiv Dayal Singh (Swami Ji Maharaj or Soamiji Maharaj--there are variant spellings given, depending on the translation and edition)), the founder of Radhasoami. Seva (Sewa) Singh was the translator/editor...... Guess who also helped him in that volume? Julian P. Johnson. Considering that Twitchell had such a high regard for the book, Sar Bachan, I find it ironic that he got the author wrong. Oh well, the hazards of "skip" reading........ -------------------------------------------- I am enjoying the latest spamming and name-calling by Nathan and Steve R. >From Hitler to Kal, from Hypocrite to Heathen, from Psychic Manipulator to Creature from the Lower Worlds, >from Bad Researcher to Unspiritual Person, from Unethical Sociologist to Weasel....... and the list continues to grow....... Such glowing honorifics convince me more and more of the power of a simple term paper. This past year I have received nearly 8,000 emails related to Eckankar--some nice, some inquisitive, some angry, and some death threats. But what a delightful stew of ideas. And the really intriguing part is that no matter how many beautiful honorifics can be adjoined to my name, there are now hundreds, nay perhaps thousands, of pro, neutral, and anti Eckists who now have the resources to actually see 1. Did the Twitch really plagiarize? (just get a copy of Johnson's work and discover new ones for yourself) 2. Did the Twitch really lie about his biography (just read his early articles, get his driver's license, death certificate, marriage certificates (there are two of them) read his "official" biography, read Harji, read Darji, and then draw up a comparison chart). New contradictions and lies can be discovered by even novices. 3. Did the Twitch really cover-up his past associations with certain teachers? (Get those Orions, get those letters >from Kirpal, get those tapes of them together, get those photographs, get those initiation papers, get thos "forged documents"?--oh yea, so much fun to see the intertwining duplicity and to realize that it still goes on. 4. Hey, was Darwin really taking money? (read Darji directly, read about the Black Magicians, read Harji, read the court documents, read the settlements). ................... and the list goes on................... The beauty, though, is that all of the above (plus more) can be discovered and recovered by believer, non-believer, or by the guy who is just browsing..... The cat is out of the bag and there is no way of enticing the kitty to sit once again in a dark region. So keep up the doubts and the rips. It is the single most conducive way to find out more about the Twitch...................... signed: a most grateful Hitler-like, Kal-influenced, Heathen pagan, whose work Eckankar requested be "destroyed" on sight and who was apparently described by Paul Twitchell as a negative force from the beginning of time (or the formation of the lower worlds, depending on which one came first) bent to attack the true teachings of ECk................ And to think that it all started with a term paper at CSUN................ I was called "KAL" when I was barely 21 and I have been called worse on this newsgroup at the age of 40. And I find the whole endeavor tremendously liberating, since the free exchange of ideas on Eckankar will ultimately demonstrate that not only did Twitchell plagiarize, lie, and deceive, but that gullibility and the willingness to legitimize almost anything is still alive in the human spirit. P.S. Protect those children Nathan and don't read this post......... The Kal boy is on the Net.
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