Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: The NEURAL SURFER Publication date: January 1997
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>From a very interesting document dated 2/27/95, in defense of Darwin Gross (the former Eck Master and holder of Mahanta consciousness) it states: "In a determined campaign to eradicate all traces of Darwin's twelve years of dedicated and very successful leadership, Klemp caused the PHSYICAL DESTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY ONE MILLION BOOKS, RECORDS, TAPES, PHOTOGRAPHS and other Darwin memorabilia... The destuction of his work and the products by which he might have supported himself was extremely ruthless." (Sidebar: Boy, that's a lot of stuff. Maybe Darwin's books and other items will become collector's items? Bidding begins at 50,000 for ........) ------------------------------ Peter McWilliams, author of the very funny book LIFE 102: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU GURU SUES YOU, has recently settled for a 2 million dollar cash settlement from John-Roger Hinkins and crew. I guess there really is an answer to the question: What to do when your guru sues you? Settle for a big cash settlement and let him have the rights to your one critical book of him...... ----------------- ECK-SPORT: DARWIN GROSS vs. HAROLD KLEMP The Battle Between the Former Living Eck Master and Holder of the Mahanta Title against the Present Living Eck Master and Holder of the Mahanta Title Writes Darwin Gross, former Eck Master, to his successor and present Eck Master, Harold Klemp: "It is your membership rolls that are kept in the dark by cover-up and refusal to let them read my side of what happened. It is an ethical obligation due every member. I challenge you to make this letter available in its entirety to the membership without any tricky editing. you will do so if you have nothing to hide! Your breaching the agreement to help me distribute the works of Sri Paul, and your caluated [sic] harassment ever since have left me vulnerable. You have denied me my right to earn a livelihood either as author, publisher or spiritual leader. It is against the law of God. Yet there are organizations in this country dedicated to the First Amendment which are funded to defend against what you are trying to do. I call upon them to assist me in this struggle on behalf of the individual's right to choose." "When you moved Eckankar from California to Minnesota you removed an estimated TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS in membership assets out from under the statutory scrutiny of the Nevada and California Attorney Generals, via the Registrar of Charitable Trusts. What had been a supervising Board of Trustees in Nevada and California, on the model authorized by Sri Paul and myself, YOU REDUCED TO A 'SOLELY OWNED' CORPORATION IN MINNESOTA REGISTERED IN YOUR NAME ALONE. THIS IS WRONG AS WRONG CAN BE! {Darwin's own emphasis}. You are still holding funds in a California bank also. What is the purpose of this action? SRI DARWIN GROSS, the second living Eck Master and Mahanta guy in Eckankar's modern history. Pages 12 and 13 of an October 14, 1989, letter to SRI HAROLD KLEMP. (Sidebar: Too bad the Eck Masters just can't get along; maybe Rebazar should set-up a men's retreat where Darwin and Harji could beat some drums, run naked, and hug trees, if not each other. Then, of course, they could sit down and play some music. Darji on vibes, Harji doing the vocals, and Fubbi leading the Eck quartet.......} ------------------------------- Dear Geoff: Thank you for your posting. Yes, I would most certainly agree with you about Scientology and its impact on people. You then go on to say something about my work and gossip. It is not "gossip" to state that Paul Twitchell was associated with L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. He was quite clearly connected, as even Klemp admits (though at the same time wanting to downplay its significance). Not only do we have the testimony of several eyewitnesses to Twitchell's association with Scientology (just read Klempji's recent Mystic World), but we actually have a number of documents where Paul Twitchell's name is listed as a Scientologist counselor. We even have Paul Twitchell as a staff writer for Scientology publications (his name is listed as an author of several Scientology pieces, including a glowing report on his then spiritual teacher, L. Ron Hubbard). These documents have been widely circulated and Scientology has a record of these as well. We also have, of course, Twitchell's almost verbatim plagiarisms of L. Ron Hubbard's works in Letters To Gail. All of this has nothing to do with gossip. But since you brought the subject up, try reading Harold Klemp's recent Mystic World where he reports the story of a Scientologist who had met Paul back in the 50s and reports what Paul apparently said to her then. If you want gossip (which can be intriguing), read Harold directly. -------------------------- I don't know of one Eckankar book where David Lane's criticism (running one paragraph) is printed on the very first page. I wouldn't expect them to, nor should they. But I did put Eckankar's criticism of me (quite personal) and of my work on the very FIRST page of MAKING. In earlier editions, I even photocopied the entire letter from Eckankar about me in the book. Yet, despite that fact, Steve says that I didn't reveal enough, or at least not the stuff I put into the R.S. Tradition. Well, I would have been most happy to put my religious affiliations in any book, but I thought it would be better to put Eckankar's VERSION of ME in that text. That way, the reader can see that Eckankar does not like my research and has a contrary view. Indeed, I put their contrary view in tens of times in order to make the basis of my own argument. Ironically, I have always felt quite forthcoming about composing the MAKING, even going into the details of how it was originally written (the evolution of a term paper). I even mention how I was prompted by Eckankar's legal threats to go into a full-time investigation. It may be reassuring for some to think that I wrote MAKING because I was a follower of shabd yoga, but the larger truth is that I wrote it because I like detective work-- and I mention precisely this point. As for the R.S. Tradition, I couldn't put any official criticism of me from R.S. circles (didn't have any juicy quotes), so I revealed them by myself. In MAKING I was lucky to have Eckankar provide me with their version of me. Steve, sees this as somehow unethical, whereas I viewed it then (as I do now) as quite forthcoming. Yet I fully realize that a writer cannot satisfy all people at all times. Keep calling me unethical, Steve; I will keep printing Eckankar's name calling of me on the first page of MAKING. -------------------------------------------- Julian P. Johnson, PATH OF THE MASTERS (1939), on page 259, writes: "Next above Anda lies Brahmanda, the third grand division. This terms means the 'Egg of Brahm.' It is also egg-shaped, like Anda, but is much more vast in extent. It is also more refined and full of light, and much more so than the physical universe. . . In fact, spirit predominates in Brahmanda just as matter predominates in Pinda, while Anda is rather on the dividing line between the two." Paul Twitchell, ECKANKAR: the key to secret worlds (1969), on page 198, writes: "Avove the Anda world lies that which we call Brahmanda, the third grand division, the 'Egg of Brahm.' It is also like the Anda world, but greater in scope and immensity of space. It is also more refined and more full of light than any of the worlds below it. In fact, spirit predominates the Brahmanda plane, just as matter dominates the Pinda, while the Anda is in between." ----------------------------------------- Here's what Paul Twitchell says about the apparent similarities between Eckankar's inner plane cosmology and Theosophy's: "What the Theosophical Society calls their planes or what we know of them through the Vedanta group never particularly bothered me, for they are the same and we are not troubled with making comparisons. All we wish to do is to keep straight in our mind those various planes and the governments on each. I have used the names given by the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad which is the Holy Book of the Eck masters of the ancient Vairagis order." (page 195 ECKANKAR THE KEY TO SECRET WORLDS) Sidebar: This indicates, at the very least, that Twitchell was aware of Theosophy's inner plane cosmology. Twitchell says he gets his names from the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad................. Try comparing the Theosophical Glossary and Johnson's terminology with Paul's terminology........... some very sweet similarities. ------------------------- Steve, Since I like dogs very much I really don't mind being compared to one (I can add that now to Saddam, Hitler, Red Monk, Shameless, and Dog-Boy!).... Indeed, I even named Aaron Talksy's dog after the famous Zen Haiku Master, Basho...... Quite an amazing dog. But I digress. Again, you have this interesting habit of making things up about me. 1. Sorry, I was never associated with Kirpal Singh or his group. However, I had a really nice time when I met with Darshan Singh a number of times--both in India and California. He was quite helpful in my research. I have also met with Ajaib Singh and Thakar Singh (the latter makes Paul Twitchell look like a Saintly Virgin). There was no divorce proceedings, since I was never married to anyone in this group. 2. I have already answered your question several times about why I wrote the MAKING as I did. Please try reading what I write it since it may save you some time. It was for a religious studies class on American sects and cults; our teacher wanted us to do an investigative piece (not a sociological one). Again, it is a critical expose'. Keep ranting, though. The Enchanted Land is not sociological; the Unknowing Sage is not sociological; and my posts are not sociological....... I am sorry that you cannot accept an answer when given.... But I will never tire of trying to communicate.... 3. A bit disengaging, bro, when my very posts pointed out when Darwin started the front organization and how Eckankar did indeed deny Kirpal Singh. Your barking friend. ------------------------------------------- Agam Prasad Mathur revisited. I have never seen a Soami Bagh book which contains a critical rip of the book on its first page. I have never seen a Beas book which contains a critical rip of the book on its first page. I have never seen a book of Agam Prasad Mathur which contains a rip of him on the first page. The MAKING does (indeed gives the same rip twice for added effect). Now in R.S. Tradition, I had no such rip. So instead I pointed to several personal details which I felt may help contextualize the study (we are not talking about facts, but the interpretion of those facts). In MAKING I already had a good rip of my slants and it was official (sent worldwide). Now Steve thinks that I should go into my religious history--just like I did in R.S. Tradition--in the spirit of full disclosure. Now I wouldn't mind doing that, but I felt that the Eckankar rip served a much better purpose. Why? Because it provided the readers with a view of me that apparently Paul Twitchell himself prophesized about: I was part of the KAL forces, a heathen, a pagan, etc...... Now I think that is quite forthcoming on my part (I also included two Darwin quotes against me). But there are those who want more. Fair enough: try reading Dodie's article about me. Try reading the Enchanted Land. And even in my critique of Agam Prasad Mathur (who is a guru in the tradition), I still knew that no matter how biased he or she may be, there were pertinent and important findings in his book. ------------------------------------- 1. Paul Twitchell was a vegetarian (oops, at least he was for a few years--that gives him some brownie points [no eggs in the brownie of course] 2. Paul Twitchell thought Steve R. needed reading lessons (oops, he didn't say that. But in Steve's defense, I must say that A.R.E. has been a helluva lot more fun since he came on board and he has most definitely inspired lots of us to debate. My nod to Steve...... signed: saddam the hypocrite dog) 3. Paul Twitchell thought that sleeping and having dreams was a valuable meditation technique. That helps me.... Geez I fall asleep a lot when I meditate... didn't know I was invoking a higher astral technique!) 4. Paul Twitchell didn't surf. Yea, that's cool because he didn't crowd the peak at 8th street in Del Mar. He gave more waves to his friends by not even going out. BONUS ROUND: a. Paul Twitchell lied about his age. That's groovy, since when I get old (hey, bro, you are already 40!) and over 50 I am going to tell the librarian at school that I just turned 40..... oh yea, that will be smooth. Probably get a few more weeks for my books... b. Paul Twitchell got kicked out of Swami Premananda's church in 1955. I like that since I got kicked out Catholic High School back in 1973 (oh the horrors of disclosure!). Maybe Twitch was on detention before he got booted; i know i was. ------------------------------------------ 1. Darwin Gross likes to eat. That's a plus since I like to eat too. 2. Darwin Gross is overweight. That's a plus too since I don't feel so bad when I look in the mirror. 3. Darwin Gross likes young babes (oops, there I go again....) 4. Darwin Gross only "threatened" to sue me, whereas Harold Klemp actually did. That's a positive feature. 5. Darwin Gross plays the vibes and has a cool backup singer. Went with Dodie Bellamy (see her article on Rife's website) to see Darji play and I had a wonderful time. I even started crying (I am serious.... no not when he sat on me, but when his backup singer belted out a plaintive tune). 6. Darwin Gross embezzled 2.5 million dollars. That's an added bonus, especially if you are in need of a student loan. 7. Darwin Gross checked the thermostat when I visited the Eckankar center in Menlo Park in order to see who I was. They went on alert after Bernandine noticed my name when I signed in for a tour. I dig Darji's style. Ek Master checks thermostat to the building when KAL boy shows up. Must have noticed it was getting too "hot" when I arrived... you know, all that negative stuff I carry around (close the door, Nathan). 8. Darwin Gross is financially broke. That's alright. At least he won't be telling me how much more money he has than me..... 9. Darwin Gross says Eckankar treated him like shit. Hey, join the club, bro. Jim Peebles has been waiting for you. --------------------------- believe it to be a rather exceptional one; Johnson is usually we are only talking about this one specific case since I the man for Twitchell's cribbing, but there can be exceptions even for the Twitch!), I thought it might be helpful to note the following: In Chapter VII of FLUTE (I am using the ORION version as it appeared in installments) Twitchell goes into some length about HU, Vibrations, Music, and Harmonics. In Chapter Six (where the plagiarized Hu excerpt from Khan is found), Twitchell also talks about HU, Sufis, and Music. Khan's book, coincidentally, also talks about Vibrations, Harmony, Music, Name, etc. Read Khan's book for a contextual read and then read it in light of FLUTE. Clearly Twitchell's writings reflect an understanding of what Khan is talking about. And, of course, we even have Twitchell himself saying he has learned the "clue" from Hazrat Inayat Khan's writings just four paragraphs before his unattributed excerpt. The FLUTE appears to go beyond a mere reading of Chapter 8 (the section that Johnson quotes) and appears to include an understanding of chapters 1 to 7--chapters that naturally don't appear in Johnson's work. To be sure, the Twitch usually plagiarizes Johnson, but a close reading of FLUTE and Twitch's own words talking about KHAN (scary huh?) indicates to me that Twitchell cribbed from KHAN directly. Of course, in either case we got the KHAN quote down. This is too much fun. ------------------------------------ My fingers are getting tired from typing these samples in and I just keep finding more. So here's a breakdown for interested readers: Compare Julian P. Johnson's PATH OF THE MASTERS (1939), Chapter Four--THE CREATION AND ORDER OF THE UNIVERSE, with Paul Twitchell's ECKANKAR: THE KEY TO SECRET WORLDS, Chapter Eleven, THE ETHERIC HIERARCHY OF THE HEAVEN-WORLDS. Below is a number listing of the paragraphs that I found which contained plagiarized material taken, without any credit whatsoever, >from Julian P. Johnson: Paragraphs are numbered from 1 to..... starting from the beginning of Chapter Eleven. Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, (please also compare the last few sections with Chapter Five, GOD AND THE GRAND HIERARCHY OF THE UNIVERSE, by Julian Johnson in the PATH OF THE MASTERS) More to come...... This is just one chapter -------------------------------------------- Here's what the legal team of Eckankar says about Darwin Gross: (excerpted from the legal filings, SRI DARWIN GROSS, Plaintiff, versus ECKANKAR, Defendant (Civil No. 83-228--Demand for Jury Trial): "13. Plaintiff [Darwin Gross, 2nd Living Eck Master and Mahanta in Modern Times] was terminated as a chela member of ECKANKAR by the Living ECK Master for religious and ecclesiastical reasons and has been so notified. Since his [Darwin's] termination as a follower of Eckankar, plaintiff [Darwin Gross, one-time EK Master] has had no right to refer to himself as an ECKist, a chela member of ECKANKAR, an ECK Master, a Vairagi Master, or any other designation....." Oh the bummers of being an EX-ECK Master..... not even a chela any more...... That's right Dap bro, more of the Wheel for you! (just teasing)..... Here's a thought: maybe Dap Ren can go enlist with those Vairagi Adepts in India (via Khan) and use their titles.... Now that would be an interesting lawsuit about trademark usage. --------------------------------------- In a recent post, there was a quotation given from my book, THE RADHASOAMI TRADITION (Garland 1992), wherein I take Agam Prasad Mathur (author of the history text, Radhsoami Faith, and the great grandson of Rai Salig Ram) to task for not letting his readers know that he is presently the presiding guru of the Radhasoami Peepal Mandi Satsang in Agra. I argued that such a disclosure would help the would-be reader better contextualize the material being presented. No doubt it would. But this does not mean (as Steve and others naively assume) that slanted or biased angled approaches cannot contain facts or truthful information. They very much can, and Agam Prasad Mathur's book was a very valuable source for me in my research work and I have cited him many times. Indeed, he was a treasure trove of factual points. What Steve and others continually fail to appreciate is that no matter how biased an author may be (Lane is Hitler, Lane is Saddam, Lane Sucks, Lane Teaches Higher Psychic Techniques, Lane is a Gay F.B.I. agent [that nice honorific came from John-Roger Hinkins!], Lane is a Pagan, Lane is Kal) his or her authored text can still be replete with factual and verifiable information. Joseph Polanik in a series of finely reasoned essays has pointed this out time and time again-- and he is an Eckist and he does NOT think highly of MAKING. That is why the doctoral dissertation, which includes a chapter on Eckankar, more or less substantiates my basic findings in MAKING. Why? Because anyone with a brain can see the "similarities", "the duplicity", and the "heavy redaction." But if you want to bypass that obstruction known as your brain, then by all means say KAL is in the house. Protect those cokes, protect that surfboard in the closet, and by all means protect the children (hi Nathan). ---------------------------------------------------- Darwin Gross, the former living Eck Master and previous holder of the Mahanta, was excommunicated from Eckankar. He doesn't receive discourses, nor is he a member in good standing. He also claims that Eckankar treated him like shit. Yet, Eckankar claims that he more or less mistreated Harold Klemp and the company (stealing money, being disrespectful, etc.). He is the bridge master between Twitchell and Klemp. That bridge, I would suggest, reveals more about Eckankar than anything I have ever written. The close study of Darwin Gross will reveal in a nutshell the pluses and the negatives of Eckankar. It will also reveal what every newcomer should know: That Eck Masters can (as Darwin himself revealed) behave in ways that others would find legally reprehensible (just ask Eckankar's legal team which sued Darwin Gross into bankruptcy for his alleged misconduct). Darwin Gross is the Paradox of Eckankar. --------------------------- Dear Steve: Thank you for asking questions (once again) about my ethics. Here we go: 1. In the MAKING I revealed something that most books never dare to reveal: on the first page I provide Eckankar's Official Stance to my research, wherein they call me a Pagan, a Heathan, and say my work should be destroyed. They call it incomplete, etc. But, you know Steve, I then put that same quote from Eckankar in the Note to the Reader (for the mathematically challenged, this means that I give Eckankar's official rip of me TWICE before one even reads the main text). I then proceed to give Darwin Gross' official rip of me (two different citations) in the Preface about my work. Now you rant on about how unethical I am, but you fail to acknowledge that the MAKING right up front gives its readers a very clear indication of how Eckankar views the research that you are about to read. Not many books do that; Mathur's doesn't, Maheshwari's doesn't. I think it is quite "revealing". Instead of making up baseless charges, try counting all the pro-Eckankar opinions I have in the book, since I have to mention them in order to provide my own position. I even mention the evolution of the term paper, how it started, what motivated me, etc. (end part one) --------------------------------------------------------- Oh the joys of gossip: 400 paragraphs of plagiarism by Paul Twitchell (each numbered and cited in MAKING) 10 examples of name redactions in the original to revised FLUTE of GOD Death Certificate of Paul Twitchell Marriage Certificate of Paul Twitchell Death Certificate of Effie, Paul's mother Death Cerfificate of Kay-Dee, Paul's sister Original Letter from Camille Ballowe Taylor (cited even by Klemp) Tens of Original Quotations from EARLY Paul Twitchell Articles (some never publicly known before) Direct Excerpts from the the Darwin Gross/Klemp Legal Battle (rarely seen and rarely quoted) Original Research Conducted in India at Sawan-Kirpal Ashram, wherein Twitchell's correspondence is discovered Extensive cross-referencing of Twitchell's original sources and comparisions of plagiarism provided. Details about the early history of Eckankar before 1965 as given in Twitchell's early articles (most not publicly available) I could go on, since I do love the above "gossip." But, you know Steve, if you really like good gossip, try reading what Klemp says about "forgery" by the Kirpal Singh camp...... Now that is something that would make the World Weekly proud. ---------------------------------- I have lots of plagiarism examples, but it takes time to put them on the computer. However, in honor of Joseph Polanik who felt that he only got 1 paragraph for 5 examples (I divided it into how closely each sentence copied from the other; also Twitchell skips a paragraph or so in "sample" five, so that even though Paulji may be contiguous, his plagiarized source was not), I thought I would type in the rest of the plagiarism that I discovered >from Hazrat's book. Now Mark Alexander thinks that Julian Johnson is the source (since Johnson includes a large excerpt from Khan and properly cites it by the way) and that I am merely using the original Khan book to boost a claim that Twitchell plagiarized widely. What Mark fails to realize is that my plagiarism case against Twitchell would be stronger (versus weaker) if I did as he suggested and go directly to Johnson's citation, since it would expose how indiscriminate Twitchell was in his literary piracy (not distinguishing two different authors, for example). But I didn't do this precisely because in reading the entire FLUTE of GOD it suggested that Twitchell was going directly to Khan's text and not merely Johnson's excerpt of the same. For instance, when Twitchell plagiarized both Johnson and his quote of Vivekananda (but citing neither), I pointed this out since it is clear where Twitchell was doing his cribbing. This is apparently not the case with FLUTE. (end part one) ----------------------------------- Personally, I have found this debate over which source Twitchell really used quite exhilerating. It is precisely the kind of thing I love to debate about. What I find most progressive, of course, is that we can at least agree about the "fact" of plagiarism. Now we are debating which source and Lane's credibility. Since I enjoy thinking deeply on these type of subjects, let me now give Mark ammunition for his position and against mine. Mark, read page xxix by Pierre Schmidt in his Preface to PATH OF THE MASTERS (i don't know which edition you are using--best to go to an earlier edition--avoid the 1990s version as they have been spruced up and slightly modified) and compare it with Paul Twitchell's paragraph number 5, page 42, Chapter VI, THE FLUTE of GOD (Orion version), wherein Twitchell begins the paragraph "I found the Sufi teachings....". Pierre's first line begins with "Spirituality cannot be taught but caught." A close reading of both texts appears to suggest that Twitchell may have reworked Schmidt's argument and claimed it as his own. If so, and you are so convinced by it, then you have further evidence that Twitchell went to Johnson and not directly to Khan. Of course, there are those who may think that the passages are not close enough (I think they are, actually). In any case, Mark, I have given you my reasons for why I argued for Khan directly. I don't mind being wrong, since that is always a possibility. But my motives were not at all as you suggest. That is why I was a bit acerbic, especially after having to re-read FLUTE again! (my least favorite Twitchell book; would much rather read Tiger's Fang again). Keep ripping. ------------------------------------- Now it should be pointed out that Mark and I apparently agree that Twitchell plagiarized KHAN. We disagree on whether it was Khan directly or Johnson's quote of Khan. But let me make one thing clear: my emphasis on Khan was not borne out of an agenda to prove some a priori point that Twitchell plagiarized widely. Geez, I have already provided so many examples of plagiarism that people are bored with it. I argued for KHAN directly because I actually thought that is where Twitchell was getting his stuff. No spooky motives. Now having said that, I would also like to point out that I also don't mind admitting that I could be wrong about lot of things. That is why I asked Dick to put on the net the letter that Paul Kurtz had written criticizing my writings. I felt that Kurtz was right in many ways about me being too transpersonal, etc. Moreover, my one fundamental metaphysic is this: I DON'T ULTIMATELY KNOW THE ONOTLOGICAL TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE.... Having this kind of position, one must be open to correction and new information (by the way, that word should be Ontological!). For instance, even though I think Steve R. is wrong about his typo theory, I took it seriously enough to even go the extra mile: to try to track down Paul's driver's license. Geez, that could have a date that supports Steve and not me, but that is the fun part of doing research. So in just that spirit, let me now give Mark some ammunition against me which will exemplify just how much I like the give and take of ARE. see the next post.
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