Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Alt.religion.eckankar Publication date: 1996
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Steve writes: "Suppose you were to find that the deception was on the part of the people making Paul out to be a liar? Which is more plausab;e, that Paul concocted all of Eckankar out of thin air or that a fruadulent pseudo-researcher manipulated the truth to make it seem like lies and deceptions? If one is possible, so is the other. Look again. Now you see it, now you don't." David Lane replies: Hmm.... "fruadulent [sic: Steve's typo?] pseudo-researcher manipulated the truth to make it seem like lies and deceptions" I like it Steve. Twitchell lies about his birthdate, his spiritual sources, and plagiarizes extensively, but I am a "fruadulent pseudo-researcher." I give you citations; Twitchell does not. I give you documents; Twitchell does not. Yet, I am the fraud. I like the twisted logic here. You may not remember this, but I recall a time when Eckankar point blank denied that Twitchell ever knew Kirpal Singh. Indeed, they even officially stated that Kirpal Singh forged Twitchell's names on many papers, etc., and tried to use him for his own purposes. But guess what? Some 20 year old punk wrote a term paper and changed the official tune within 3 years. Gross denied Kirpal Singh. Klemp admits it. Gross denied Hubbard Klemp admits. Gross denies plagiarism. Klemp not only admits it, but pulls two books out of circulation. And guess what? For all that nice input I did, I get fudging legally harassed...... Oh well....... I guess that is part of the territory for a lone "fruadulent" researcher........ I got a better title, though: how about "fraud" researcher? and you can call yourself "typo" researcher.
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