Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Alt.religion.eckankar Publication date: 1996
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Steve, Thank you for your several recent postings about my research. I am awe-struck by the fact that you can repeat the same mistake over and over again. But I shall not tire of explaining once again why Twitchell lied. 1. Have you ever seen Twitchell's death certificate? It does not give his birth date in the abbreviated way you state. It spells out 1922. It also states that he was 48 when he died on that same certificate. Jack Jarvis--read these articles for yourself, Steve, and see why you are wrong--says that Twitchell has just turned forty. He doesn't say he "looks" forty". He doesn't say he acts 40. He says he just turned 40. Who was his informant? Twitchell himself, since Jarvis mentions it. Hate to do this to you Steve, but do you know that Twitchell wrote an article in 1963 wherein he states HIMSELF (in print!) that he just turned forty. I know you don't believe me, so I have decided to put hundreds of primary documents online via my website and others so you can see first-hand to what lengths Twitchell lied. Your typos hypothesis is fine by me, but remember we are talking about tens of typos. Are you willing to be proven wrong? And what will it take to convince you that Twitchell lied (which he did) about his age? Go ask Gail, if you really want to know the truth. --------------------------------------------- Steve, You mention that Twitchell was born in 1912. Yet the Living Eck Master, Harold Klemp, uses 1908 as his working birthdate for Twitch. When Gross was the living Eck Master at his time, he informed me that Twitchell was born in 1812 (yea, that's right, and we are not talking about reincarnation). Twitch's wife and friends in the 1960s were told it was 1922. Typos 101? ---------------------------- Steve, You seem to think that the only reason I think Twitchell was a liar was because he claimed to be born in 1922. No, that's just a part of a larger pattern. I certainly consider it lying when you cover-up your associations: Just look at the following (more typos Steve?): THE COVER-UP: How Twitchell Deleted His Past The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter I - "In The Beginning" (March-April, 1966) Par. 3: "I remember very well when Swami Premananda , of India, who has a Yoga church in Washington, D.C., said, "When someone asked Bertrand Russell what his philosophy of Life was, he wrote several volumes of books on the subject." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter I - "In The Beginning" Par. 3: "I remember very well when Sudar Singh , the great Eck Master said, "When someone asked Bertrand Russell what his philosophy of Life was, he wrote several volumes of books on the subject." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter I - "In The Beginning" (March-April, 1966) Par. 15: "I have studied under many teacher, and may yet have to study under more. Like Meher Baba , the Indian saint, who was said to have nineteen teachers to help him gain his place in the universe, I have so far had seven, some outstanding ones, including Sri Kirpal Singh, of Delhi , India. The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter I - "In The Beginning" Par. 16: "I have studied under many ECK Masters only they have led me to the highest truth. Like Fubbi Quantz , the ECK saint, who was said to have nineteen teachers to help him gain his place in the universe, I have also had several, each outstanding, one being Sudar Singh of India. heo The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in fI rion Magazine Chapter I - "In The Beginning" (March-April, 1966) Par. 16: "Each has had a place in my growth toward the spiritual goal; each are equally great in their work for mankind. However, I have felt a closer kinship and friendliness to Kirpal Singh , who has shown me a lot of the other work during my first year or so under him. Since we have parted he keeps an impartial view toward me and my research. Therefore, if I quote him in these pages it is because I feel that he is sympathetic and interested in my work." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter I - "In The Beginning" Par. 17: "Each has had a place in my growth toward the spiritual goal; each is equally great in his work for mankind. However, I have felt a closer kinship and friendliness to Sudar Singh , who showed me a lot of the other work, during my first year or so under him. Since we have parted he has retained an impartial view toward me and my research. If I quote him in these pages it is because I feel that he is sympathetic and interested in my work and led me to Rebazar Tarzs." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter I - "In The Beginning" (March-April, 1966) Par. 32: "Life fascinates me. Certain details of life to be worked out are strange. Lying on the bed late at night I watch the pattern of shadows weaving about the room. In the presence of familiar night visitors like Kirpal Singh , or Rebazar Tarzs, a Tibetan Lama, who come often in their Nuri-Sarup, or others, some strangers, some friends, I wonder about life." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter I - "In The Beginning" Par. 34: "Life fascinates me. Certain details of life that have to be worked out are strange. Lying on the bed late at night I watch the pattern of shadows weaving about the room. In the presence of familiar night visitors like Sudar Singh , or Rebazar Tarzs, the ECK Masters who come often in their Nuri-Sarup bodies, or others, some strangers, some friends, I wonder about life." heo The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter II - "The Symbol of The Princes" Par. 12: "Therefore, the principal (sic) involved here is: "We live and have our being in the Supreme Being." Jesus said it in another way as "we move and have our being in God." Other savants e.g., Jalalddin Maulana ana Rumi put it another way, "Divine Grace is not limited by the conditions of ability, but ability, in fact, is conditioned by Divine Grace." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter II - "The Symbol of The Princes" Par. 11: "Therefore, the principle involved here is, "We live and have our being in the Supreme Being." Lai TsifR, the Chinese ECK Master, said it this way, "We live and move and have our being in the SUGMAD." Other savants state it in a slightly different vein. For instance, Jalaluddin Maulana ana Rumi said, "Divine Grace is not limited by the conditions of ability--but ability, in fact, is conditioned by Divine Grace. The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter II - "The Symbol of The Princes" Par. 48: "This is what Kirpal Singh speaks of in his discourses. "We must become the conscious co-worker of God." Meaning, of course, that once man is freed of his imbalances he inherits the throne and does his work for the whole." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter II - "The Symbol of the Princes" Par. 45: "This is what Sudar Singh spoke of in his dialogues. "We must become the conscious co-workers of God." heo The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter III - "Purification of the Princes" (Sept.-Oct. 1966) Par. 37: "All masters of earlier days, to name a few: Buddha, Gura Nanak (sic), Christ, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Lao Tse, George Fox, Sawan Singh , Confucius, Krishna and Shankhacharya exhorted us to know ourselves. Kabir says the same thing "Learn to die a hundred times daily, not once." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter III - "Purification of the Princes" Par. 37: "All ECK Masters of earlier days exhorted us to know ourselves. . . Gopal Das says the same thing, "Learn to die a hundred times daily, not once." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Chapter III - Purification of the Princes" (Sept.-Oct. 1966) Par. 38: Christ said, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Guru Nanak said, "Be pure that truth may be realized." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Chapter III - "Purification of the Princes" Par. 38: Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Rebazar Tarzs said, "Be pure so that truth may be known." heo The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installment in Orion Magazine Ch. I, Par. 41: "When Jesus looked upon His people and said, 'I cannot tell you more because you cannot hear the whole truth.' He was saying that they were so far down the spiral of life they could not grasp His meaning. To tell them all would bring disorder into their lives, for once exposed to Truth, those not understanding develop hostility." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Ch. I, Par. 42: "When the ECK Master, Gopal Das , looked upon his people and said, 'I cannot tell you more because you cannot hear the whole ECK,' he was saying that they were so far down the spiral of life they could not grasp his meaning. To tell them would bring disorder into their lives, for once exposed to Truth, those not understanding develop hostility." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as it appeared in installments in Orion Magazine Ch. I, Par. 44: "One of my experiences while serving under the Yoga Satsang line of masters, was that I found one of the masters in the guise of a beggar. I had been in difficulty for sometime, and very unhappy over the fact that nothing could be found to solve my problem." The Flute Of God by Paul Twitchell as published by Illuminated Way Press (1970) Ch. I, Par. 45: One of my experiences, while serving under Rebazar Tarzs , was that I found one of the ECK Masters in the guise of a beggar. I had been in difficulty for some time, and was very unhappy over the fact that nothing could be found to solve my problem." ------------------- Steve, Do you really want to say that I am the only guy who has claimed Twitchell plagiarized? Are you ready for a flood of responses from those who have also researched is area? By the way, don't forget that Professor John Sutphin, Professor of Philosophy and Religion and one-time Eckist, was one of the first people to document it way back in 1975 (geez, I hadn't even gone to CSUN then). But I always like the challenge, so I will put on the Net 25 new examples (see, I love tracking this stuff down): good luck and lots more plagiarism to come
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