Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Neural Surfer Publication date: 1996
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Steve writes about Lane: "David Lane's entire career is based on abusing the teachers of religions that he sees as being in competition with his own beloved Master (Does he do it with implicit consent?)" -------------- Dear Steve, It so refreshing to have someone explain to me what my entire career is about.... But in the spirit of honest disagreement (and given the fact that I have hung around this Lane character for some 40+ years), I will give you some inside scoop about him and his career. Some things you may not know, and other things you may not wish to know. Or, to use your phrase, "very mental stuff," which may suggest a different line of reasoning behind my choices, my writings, my career. 1. I have no desire to "abuse" teachers of any tradition. Actually it is quite the opposite. I want our spiritual guides to stop "abusing" us, the naive, the gullible, the easily taken in. Thus I have written a number of sharp pieces on several gurus, including Paul Twitchell, John-Roger Hinkins, Da Free John, Thakar Singh, and others. Unlike you, I happen to think that spiritual teachers who make absolutist claims should be held accountable. I also think that if any guru is genuine he/she can stand some documented criticism. Again, I have substantiated the major claims I have made against Twitchell. He was the one, lest you forget, that lied, that plagiarized, that covered-up. I see nothing wrong in letting an unsuspecting public know the darker chapters of Eckankar's history. Tell me, where can the concerned Eckist today learn about Darwin Gross? Is it in the Eckankar home page? Well, does it include the following quote from the former Living Eck Master and Mahanta, Sri Darwin Gross: "ECKANKAR TREATED ME LIKE SHIT." (see Dodie Bellamy's article for the San Diego Reader for confirmation of this quote from Darwin Gross) I didn't say Eckankar treated me like shit, but The Living Eck Master of Eckankar for some ten years did. Do I think it is important for would-be followers of Eckankar to know more about Darwin Gross's behavior, even when he was a "Master?" Well, yes. Why? Because then one can see better what one is joining. I have done a number of critiques along these lines. I am not ashamed in the least in exposing John-Roger Hinkins' underside. He claimed to be God-enlightened, so I just simply asked a series of questions: Why does the God-man want to rump range his heterosexual disciples with astral excuses? Why does the God-man basically rip off Eckankar doctrines without properly acknowledging his sources (see, I am even doing Twitchell a favor here, since Twitchell wanted to sue John-Roger for plagiarism! Talk about the ultimate irony). Why does the God-man wish to rob a researcher's house? Why does the God-man want to send out smear letters world-wide from his own home computer? Why does the God-man want to kill my informants? Simple questions and nothing abusive about them. The abuse started and continues with J.R. I just wanted to point it out..... Same with Thakar Singh, who blindfolds young kids and sexually abuses women. Same with Paul Twitchell, though not in the same league with the above two, who systematically lied to his following about a variety of issues. I just asked some questions, got some answers, and provided some of my own commentary. That's not abuse. The abuse is in Gurus who lie to their wives, to their family, and to their followers. 2. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I write against teachers who are "competition" with my spiritual guide. Well, first of all, you should know that my teacher died some six years ago. Second, I have never written anything with his "consent"--implicit or explicit. Third, have you ever read THE UNKNOWING SAGE? I strongly suggest that you do so. Why? It contradicts point by point orthodox shabd yoga theology. In sum, it contradicts the very tradition I was brought up in. Sorry for the cosmic mind-fuck (or, the cognitive dissonance), but I just happen to agree with Fitzgerald that the mark of intelligence is the "ability to hold two or more contradictory ideas in one's mind and still be able to function." What this means is that I don't mind being my own best critic. And I realize that there are many things which we do not fully understand at present and that the best of our thinking will undergo an evolution. That evolution of thought, like eliminative materialism, allows us to be both critical and open and to discriminate in the midst of competing thoughts/ideas/concepts. 3. I like Ken Wilber, for example, but does that mean that I cannot write a critique of him? No, I am in the midst of writing a ten part rip of his exaggerations. And knowing Wilber as I do, I know that he will see it as an opportunity to either rip me back or clarify his thought. We are both served in the process. I even like Da Free John's writings (amazing, huh!), but I also think he is a scum bag (read Scott Lowe's essay for why I would contemplate such "negative" ideas about him). That's why I wrote "distinguishing the message from the medium." One can be a follower of any religion and still retain their discriminating edge and their critical faculties. 4. To be frank, I don't think you really know my "entire" career (geez, I don't know it myself), but if that makes you happy then go ahead and say such things. All I can do is to suggest that you read THE ENCHANTED LAND or any list of articles that are on my website. Or maybe drop by one of my classes. Better yet, go surfing..... In any case, I like your rips because they allow me the opportunity to add further clarification..... Only one problem: Jesse Helms might get insulted being connected to me, given that I am an agent of the Kal forces according to Eckankar's official memos..... signed: the redmonk, the kal agent, and Jesse Helms' lost son (oops, that's Anton Levay's love child)
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