Author: David Christopher Lane Publisher: Alt.religion.eckankar Publication date: 1996
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THE STORY OF CAMILLE BALLOWE TAYLOR I recently read that Steve did not think highly of the person who would track down Twitchell's first wife, Camille Ballowe (she later got married again, hence the "Taylor" suffix). What Steve and others apparently don't know is that I was asked by Paul Iverlet, Kay-Dee's husband (Paul Twitchell's brother-in-law), to talk with Camille. Paul Iverlet had contacted Camille Ballowe and apparently Camille wanted to talk with me directly on the phone. She also very kindly sent me a letter about her association with Paul. I was 21 years old and she was very straight forward in my conversations with her. You see, I didn't know that Paul had been previously married before. Most of the Eckists at that time whom I talked with also didn't know. So Paul Iverlet connected me with Camille. I also got the chance, due to Ed Pecen, Dr. Bluth (former President of Eckankar), and others to talk with Paul Twitchell's childhood friends and friends of his sister Kay-Dee. Camille knew Paul for many years and she said to me that Paul never went to India when she was with him (they were married in 1942). I asked her particularly about 1947, 1951, and other important dates. She was keenly aware of where they both traveled and she repeatedly told me that Paul never left the United States to visit India during any of that time. Moreover, she did not resent Paul or his group. She stated simply what she knew about their time together. Unlike Paul, I found Camille's recollections to be consistent, reliable, and empirically verifiable. As a witness her testimony was confirmed by multiple sources. Again, if you wish to believe that Sudar Singh exists and that Paul Twitchell really did visit him on those reported dates (and in contradiction with Camille), just provide some documentation. None of this would matter, of course, if there was just one reliable source of documented information on Sudar Singh. We don't have one iota of evidence; we have instead Twitchell's story--a story that is contradicted by his wife, Camille, by his brother-in-law, Paul Iverlet, and by Twitchell's own conflicting accounts. more to come, signed: Jesse Helms' lap dog
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