The Kirpal Singh DECEPTION: Why Mystical Fireworks are Self-Generated and NOT caused by a GURU

Author: David Christopher Lane
Publisher: The NEURAL SURFER
Publication date: April 1998

E-mail David Christopher Lane directly at

I want to go back to the home base now.

TESSLER writes:

     "What the mystery of life is - what is a man, what is a soul - was
solved in little or no time."
   - Kirpal Singh speaking of his initiation (January 24, 1964, Washington,

     "Kirpal Singh and the Rhetoric of Minority Succession" is a chapter of
Lane's book where the veneer of social science thins.  To summarize, Lane
states that Kirpal Singh "revolutionized Sant Mat initiation practices by
stressing that some type of inner experience should be received during the
time of initiation."  Lane argues that Kirpal Singh's emphasis on inner
experience at initiation is a function of his position as minority
successor to Sawan Singh, where he is straining to establish his



Nope, I said Kirpal was trying to "legitimize himself" via an appeal
to authenticity.

He wasn't "straining" (your words) to establish his authenticity;
he was "straining" (to use your own words back upon you) to
establish his "legitimacy."

In my thesis, what this means is simple:

when a guru lacks outer credentials, he turns towards inner
credentials to buttress his case.

Kirpal did exactly that.


TESSLER writes:

  He also believes that Kirpal Singh, in developing his
rhetoric in this direction, was even running contrary to his own Guru's
     On the other hand, I will argue that this was a development consistent
with Kirpal Singh's personal history as well as the larger context and
intention of his ministry.  It is quite true that Kirpal Singh's emphasis
on experience at initiation was unique in the Radhasoami tradition, a fact
that he himself acknowledged.



Glad to see you admit that "Kirpal Singh's emphasis on experience at
initiation was UNIQUE....."


TESSLER writes:

  However, the concept of a direct spiritual
experience at the time of initiation is common to many esoteric spiritual
     Certainly, Baba Sawan Singh understood the need for a modern
presentation of Sant Mat in the West.  In a 1937 letter to an American
disciple he wrote;
     "... the foundation must be laid in America for a very Great Work.
That country is to make great advances in spiritual things, leading the
whole world of Western civilization....Large numbers there are simply
waiting for the matter to be properly presented to them (my emphasis).  The
inner preparation has been made."91 [Sat Sandesh.  July 1976,   pp. 6-7
Between August 1974 to December 1976 Sat Sandesh was not authorized by Sant
Kirpal Singh.  During that time, Russell Perkins published the magazine
under his own auspices and later as a representative for Ajaib Singh.
Russell Perkins then stopped publishing Sat Sandesh to concentrate on Ajaib
Singh's movement magazine, Sant Bani.  Soon after, Sat Sandesh resumed
publication under the auspices of Darshan Singh's organization.]
     The nature of this presentation was to be closely tied to the
structure of the modern mind, along lines advanced by Baba Sawan Singh
during his own ministry.  This was to emphasize the practical and
scientific utility of Surat Shabd Yoga in a secular age, where everyone was
in a hurry for results and everyone demanded proof.  Kirpal Singh's
emphasis on experience at the time of initiation was an innovation
consistent with this direction.



Hmm, i like the spin here.

I argue the contrary:

Kirpal Singh emphasized inner experiences at the time of initiation
in order to buttress his fledging succession campaign.

When you lack the outer credentials, step up the inner ones.

Even if those "inner" ones are not necessarily generated by the
guru in question, but rather by the disciples own built-in
Neuro-loGIC (see my "Kirpal Statistic").


TESSLER writes:

     Mark Juergensmeyer in his book, Radhasoami Reality, describes "People
in the modern age," stating that, "...they seek objective verification of
things that they regard as true."92 [Radhasoami Reality: The Logic of a
Modern Faith.   Mark Juergensmeyer,  Princeton University Press,  New
Jersey,  1991.]
     Kirpal Singh's sensitivity to these points was intimated in his
earliest work as guru, A Brief  Life Sketch of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji
Maharaj.  He writes of his initial concept for Ruhani Satsang, which he
states he presented to his Master in the months following his verbal
designation as spiritual successor in October 1947:
      "The sole objective of this satsang is to present spirituality to
mankind in general in a lucid scientific form."
     This was a clear response to the social context of India in this
century, where the Indian intelligentsia and Western society as a whole had
generally rejected mysticism and religion.  Science was the new philosophic
authority, superseding religion.  Sant Mat, if it was to have appeal in the
modern world, needed to adopt some of its language.  Along with this, as
pointed out by Juergensmeyer, the modern mind demanded proof.
      The way marked by Hazur Baba Sawan Singh and developed by Kirpal
Singh was to emphasize individual mystical experience as a natural
evolution beyond the fading appeal of traditional religion.  This was
described as a spiritual experiment where the laboratory is the body
itself.  This experiment is based not on faith, but on proper guidance and
correct application of the meditation technique.  Relating this to
scientific method has been the foundation of Sant Mat's modern
presentation.  One reason that this approach has proven fairly successful
is that the discriminating, proof-seeking intellect of the modern mind is
authentically harmonious with Sant Mat, where the need for direct
self-experience is stressed and where sectarianism is eschewed.



I like this, but if you wish to be consistent then take the
direction further:

ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME can given the right CONTEXT have inner

A guru is NOT necessary.

Now I have done the experiment and have seen that I can duplicate,
more or less, SIMILAR results to Kirpal's.

My point?

The disciple is generating the lights and sounds, NOT the guru.

Yet, the guru (Kirpal?) takes CREDIT for that which is NOT his,
but the disciples.

I call taking such "credit" the KIRPAL STATISTIC.

I also call it a strategy whereby a guru attempts to legitimize his
mastership by taking direct advantage of the disciple's naiveness.

Science should expose such duplicity, not HIDE it.


TESSLER writes:

      As Lane has mentioned, Kirpal Singh's abandonment of the term
"Radhasoami" as a ritual greeting was a step towards minimizing the
sectarian elements that still remained at Beas in order that the teaching
would be more accessible to a general audience.  The presentation of
spirituality as a process that offered definite results differentiated his
ministry from other similar movements, including Radhasoami Beas.   The
emphasis on inner experience at initiation had broad appeal.



Yes, but it also tended to confuse seekers into thinking that the
guru (and not their own brains/selves) was the cause of the inner

That is what we call deceptive advertising: taking credit for
somebody else's "work" (neuro-logical or otherwise).


TESSLER writes:

     "A qualification of a Master is given as one who can give you some
experience to start with...who can appear and can remove the dark veil by
giving a sitting; and you can testify that it is so."93 [Sat Sandesh. July
1975, p. 8 (from a talk given on January 24, 1964 Washington, D.C.)]
  It is taken for granted in Sant Mat that the Master has the competence to
raise any soul to have some type of spiritual experience, but it is
currently believed at Beas that he would only actually do so when the soul
was truly fit.  On the other hand, Kirpal Singh taught that everyone could
have a firsthand experience at initiation. For this to happen, the
competency to give the experience must be there.



"Competency to give the experience must be there."?????

Not at all true.

Indeed, quite the opposite.

You can take a complete schmuck (i am thinking of Thakar right now)
and people when given a meditation sitting will report seeing and
hearing things.....


Is it because of Thakar's numinous power?


It is the disciple's own brain (or, again, to be generous, their
"Self") which is causing it, but the disciple wrongly believes that
the Guru is doing the transmitting.....

It is EXACTLY that MIS-taken belief which FUELS the would-be claims
of complete frauds like Thakar Singh, Paul Twitchell, and

Kirpal Singh didn't transmit the experience; the disciples GENERATED

Kirpal Singh simply took credit for that which he did NOT cause.

It's an advertising ploy and a deceptive one at that.

I have had hundreds of students in my classes see light and hear
sounds and see radiant beings and leave their bodies.....

Did "I" cause it?


They did.

The difference here, of course, is that I EXPOSED THE SECRET.

Kirpal took CREDIT for it and gained "followers" on just such a


TESSLER writes:

     Aside from its value as firsthand evidence of inner spiritual vision,
experience at initiation served as a criterion to test whether the claims
by a given Master were valid or not.



Sorry, Neil, but you know from your own experience this is not the

Go ask Ajaib initiates about their Inner experiences; go ask Thakar
initiates, or Ching Hai initiates, or Gary Olsen initiates, or
Michael Turner initiates.....

They all got the same story: yep, I saw inner light and sound and
BECAUSE of THAT i KNOW my guru is genuine.

Geez, the BS meter in these circles has run off the course.

It has got nothing to do with competency.

The disciples themselves generate it.

Just like we generate our own orgasms, but tend to give credit to
our partners.....

Sorry but the inner visions are our OWN and we falsely give credit
to those gurus who claim that they are the ones responsible.

Amazing how these gurus can lie through their teeth for their own

Faqir Chand is right: the gurus loot us right in front of our faces
and we don't notice it.


TESSLER writes:

  In referring to other gurus, Kirpal
Singh commented:
      "...he's got a very good face, very good turban.  He is a very gentle
man, very elegant, he's a very good actor.  But what he is, that can be
tested only by initiation...Don't go by propaganda."94 [Heart to Heart
Talks.   Vol.1.  p. 43]



See, here we have Kirpal taking credit (once again) for that which
he does NOT cause (the disciples do it) and then, to top it off,
he backbites some other guru in the process.

Given Kirpal's modus operandi, then Thakar is competent, Ajaib is
competent, Gary is competent, geez even that scum bag David Lane is
competent (since I did the experiment and have had hundreds see
and sound).

Don't you get it by now?

The guru is exploiting your own nervous system and claiming credit
for it.

Just like a prostitute who charges money for getting her client

The "client" is doing the orgasm..... The prostitute is simply
getting paid to make it happen.

Anybody can have an orgasm, given the right context.

Anybody can have an inner vision, given the right context.

What is the right context?



TESSLER writes:

Often both these aspects, satisfying the modern intellect and
providing a yardstick with which to differentiate competing claims, would
find their way into the same discussion:
     "So the present times have changed and those who have an inkling, a
desire are put on the way.  They are given some experience, with the grace
of God, to start with.  Otherwise people are not going to believe you.



"Not going to believe YOU".....

That's the operative line here.....

Who is the "you" in this context?

Kirpal Singh.

Inner experiences provides a way to convince people that what "he"
(Kirpal) is teaching is correct. It is also a way (see previous
quote) where Kirpal can substantiate his mastership (in
contradistinction to those other "good" looking gurus).

Yet, Kirpal has nothing to do with inner experiences.

Those experiences are SELF-generated.

Kirpal takes credit for that which ANY GURU OR ANY PERSON can
generate given the right context.


TESSLER writes:

"People have been coming to me who have been initiated somewhere.
They had been putting in meditation time of two, three, or four hours
daily.  With all that, they got nothing, and they left it.  If you get
something to start with you can develop.  So the present time has changed:
the work of man-making is started side by side with the giving of the
experience on the very first day.  And when you see the experience--have
the experience yourself--then I think you have something to stand on."95
[Audiotape, January 23, 1964. Washinton, D.C.  Kirpal Singh's reference to
man-making and experience starting simultaneously is a reference to the
change from the ancient practice of giving initiation (and the inner
experience that was associated with initiation) only after years of
perfecting the character.]



Again, another fine quote where Kirpal Singh not so subtly praises
himself and his mastership by claiming that he "gives" inner
experiences (where the others, apparently do not).

This is just another way for Kirpal to legitimize his campaign by
taking "credit" for that which is SELF-GENERATED.

Go see all of the numerous Kirpal-related offshoots.

They all claim inner experiences at initiation and they ALL have
disciples who claim to get such.

Who's right in this guru war of inner experiences?




Just take every pleasure and pain you have in this life.

Where does it arise?


YOur body, your mind, your brain.


TESSLER writes:

To drive home the vital reality of the inner experience people had
both at initiation as well as after general group meditation sittings, it
was his usual practice to describe in turn, a series of visionary
phenomenon regarded as common preliminary experiences.  The series of
visions generally were: flashes of light, lights of various colors, blue
sky, stars, big star, sun, moon, golden light, Master's form,  and the
Master's form speaking to the individual within.  He would then count how
many had seen each, making notes of the results.   Everyone present could
then see, through the raising of hands, that most everyone had indeed had
some inner experience. 



Yes, once again we have a way to legitimize our fledging mastership
by a show of hands.

You also forget one important point here Neil besides the inner
experiences being self-generated....

What is that?

The social pressure to CONFORM.

People in such settings will tend to EXAGGERATE their experiences
even if they don't have them or even if they are minimal.


SOCIAL STATUS and the wish to avoid sounding like a spiritual

Don't be so naive, Neil.

Any psychologist will point this out to you....

Geez, any sociologist will do the same.



If someone claimed to have no experience they were
usually given a second meditation sitting.



Yep, and even then some claimed to have NO INNER EXPERIENCES

I just talked to a former initiate of Kirpal's who told me that
he also had a second sitting and saw and heard NOTHING.....


Was Kirpal "off" that day?


TESSLER writes:

After initiations conducted by
Kirpal Singh or his representatives, the new initiate filled out a form in
which they recorded their meditation experience.
     "People don't believe there is anything inside...a Master gives you
something to prove that there is  something."96  [Heart to Heart Talks.
Vol.2.  p. 37] This was the purpose of his public accounting of meditation



I did the same kind of tally with my college and high school

It just goes to show you that anybody can do it....

Kirpal's claim is anything BUT unique.

He just got the bonus points for that which is already

the brain.



     A solid majority of individuals at initiation did report some kind of
inner experience. Some had already had experiences of seeing the Master
within or light within prior to initiation, while waiting for initiation,
or after meeting the Master, reading a book by him, or through some initial
contact with him.  In some cases, due to nervousness to sit or concentrate
during meditation, the individual had an experience later on the day of
initiation or the next day.  I have seen numerous instances of all of
these.  Following public meditation sittings, which included many
non-initiates, Kirpal Singh followed his usual practice of asking about the
experience of the participants.  He stated that even non-initiates
attending such sittings should have some spiritual experience:  "...even
those who were never given initiation--all received something."97 [Heart to
Heart Talks. Vol.1.  p. 2] This quote referred to the spiritual experiences
reported by seekers who attended his meditation sittings.



Precisely my point:

It is all SELF generated but the guru takes credit for that which is
NOT his.....


TESSLER writes:

     His emphasis on inner experience at initiation is consistent with
practices found in many esoteric traditions.  In the Mystery schools
initiation was far more than the mere learning of a technique.  It was
meant to demonstrate practically the principles that had previously been
learned in theory only.  In the ancient initiation practices of India and
the Occident a great deal of time was spent on the preparation of the
aspirant, so that the seed of initiation would fall on fertile ground.
     In one talk Kirpal Singh said, "I will tell you what the old Egyptians
used to do.  They gave initiation...they did not give the experience..They
just told them to remain quiet for two long years...and naturally the way
opened up....Now the door is opened the very first day."98 [From a talk
given January 23, 1964 in Washington, D.C.] Lucius Apuleus in his fourth
century description of his initiation experience into the Roman mystery
school of Isis, after long  preparation, offers a classic testimony of
spiritual transcendence: "At midnight I saw the sun shining as if it were
noon."99 [The Golden Ass.  Lucius Apuleus, Penguin Books, 1990, Translated
by Robert Graves, Revised by Michael Grant, p. 194]



It is also consistent with BSers who like to take credit for
something that they don't do.....

Hmm, let us see how many now  claim to give inner experiences:

From Kirpal to Thakar to Ajaib to Ching Hai to ....... fill in the

The brain or the Self is the cause, yet we persist in giving
deference to gurus who will deceive us and tell us that "they" (via
God.... but not any other rival guru) are
doing it.....

Oh the humility of these gurus.....


TESSLER writes:

     Soami Ji, according to Chacha Pratap Singh, his brother and
biographer, apparently conferred experience at initiation.  Lane also
offers the following quote from Pratap Singh's biography of Soami Ji:
     "Soamiji Maharaj often  used to raise the spirit of certain Adhikaris
(fit and deserving) at the time of initiation.  Thus they had a fore-taste
of the bliss of higher regions, and got faith instantly (my emphasis)."100
[The Biography of Soami Ji Maharaj.   Lala Pratap Singh Seth,  RS Satsang
Soami Bagh Agra, First English edition, 1968 (original 1902),  p. 36
paragraph 31]
     The latter statement, that as a result of their initiation experience
they developed faith immediately, was a critical facet in Kirpal Singh's
new presentation of the teachings.  Faith was to be grounded in personal
esoteric experience, beginning at the very time of initiation.



Again, no matter who the guru is the disciple is the one causing the
inner fireworks.

Again, no matter who the whore is the client is the one causing the
inner orgasm.............................

get my drift?


TESSLER writes:

     Lane quotes a letter of Baba Sawan Singh where Sawan Singh says, "The
view that one must see something at the time of initiation or he would
never be able to see anything later is wrong...Only few see anything at
this time.  The majority take time, some weeks, some months and some
years."105 [The Radhasoami Tradition. Ibid.  p. 154]
     Lane offers this quote to establish what he regards as a blatant
contradiction with Baba Sawan Singh's teachings.  As for the first portion
of the quote, there is nowhere in the entire corpus of Kirpal Singh's
written, recorded, or transcribed words where he states that if the
aspirant has no experience at initiation he cannot see anything later.  In
the second part of the quote, Lane is attempting to prove that Baba Sawan
Singh did not emphasise experience at the time of initiation.  However,
does this mean that Kirpal Singh should not have developed his spiritual
teaching in this direction?



Kirpal can develop anything he so pleases.

I simply pointed out that it CONTRADICTS Sawan Singh directly.

It also CONTRADICTS Kirpal Singh in the sense that Kirpal likes to
claim that a genuine guru gives inner experiences at the time of
initiation (a slightly veiled barb at Beas' gurus).

Yet, this is EXACTLY what Sawan Singh did--NOT GIVE EN MASSE

Thus, Kirpal's new criterion for masters CONTRADICTS his own guru
and his ministry.

Hence, it is a bit hypocritical to rip gurus who don't give inner
experiences at the time of initiation when Kirpal's OWN GURU DIDN'T

In either case, however, my point remains the same:

the guru does NOT generate the experience.




Daryai Lal Kapur recalls Baba Sawan Singh saying that his successor
would come with "ten fold powers and grace."  As we have seen, Jagat Singh,
Baba Sawan Singh's successor at Beas, ill at the time of his succession,
passed away after two and a half years.  During his brief guruship
Radhasoami satsang Beas experienced little growth.  Jagat Singh made
several limited tours in the Punjab region and there were no significant
publications issued from Beas.  Is this the "ten fold powers and grace" to
which Baba Sawan Singh had referred?



Well, Neil, why don't you tell your audience the TRUE context to
Daryai Lal Kapur's story?

You know as well as I  that Kapur tells the story in light of
Sawan's alleged admission that he was going to eventually appoint

That's the context of that story, Neil, but you seem not to want
your readers to know that angle, huh?

Why don't you quote the ENTIRE STORY.

It clearly mentions that Sawan states that Charan would be his
eventual successor.

Kapur relates the 10 fold increase connected to Charan.

Now since you want to play this game of statistics, here we go:

Sawan initiates 125,000 people.

Charan initiates 1,250,000 people (give or take a few thousand).

Try doing the math:


Now I personally think such stories don't mean much, but since
you want to play this silly statistics game, let us now see what
Kirpal did:

Sawan initiates 125,000 people

Kirpal initiates 80,000 plus people.

Oops, Kirpal actually initiates LESS people than his guru.

So much for the ten-fold thing....

And next time be more honest to your reader:

The story is related by Kapur concerning Charan, not Jagat.

You know this and I know this.

READ CALL OF THE GREAT MASTER by Daryai Lal Kapur for what it

TESSLER writes:

By contrast, Kirpal Singh established two hundred fifty centers worldwide, became intensively involved in humanitarian  activities,
authored over twenty works on various aspects of spirituality, and
undertook three extensive world tours.  Furthermore, it is a matter of
record that during the ministry of Sant Kirpal Singh many thousands, both
initiated and uninitiated, had the actual experience of the opening of
inner vision.  At initiations given in India everyone had an experience of
light at the first, second, or third sitting and often well over half of
those initiated had the vision of the Master's Radiant Form.  There are
numerous reports of individuals who had an inner vision of Sant Kirpal
Singh before knowing of his existence or well prior to their formal
initiation (I personally know of a dozen instances of this in my own area).
Kirpal Singh stated that initiation is when the Master gives his attention
and could occur well before initiation in the formal sense (See Morning
     Yet strangely, instead of being recognized as the fulfillment of Baba
Sawan Singh's prophecy, that his successor would come with ten-fold powers,
this is being held against Kirpal Singh by the likes of David Lane.



Sorry Neil, but I never came up with the ten-fold story to buttress
a guru. You just quoted Kapur (forgetting to give your audience the
context--it was about Charan) and then you want to play the
statistics game.

Charan actually does increase the following ten-fold (almost to the

Kirpal actually initiates LESS people than his own guru.

I think the whole thing is silly, but since you want to play it
then you better be more honest next time.

I think it is groovy that Kirpal did so well.

But I also think it is dishonest for Kirpal (or any guru) to take
credit for "inner experiences" when those experiences are

Lest you forget, I have tested this hypothesis.....

So apparently has every fraudulent guru in the shabd yoga market.

No wonder Thakar has people following him.....

A sucker is born every minute, right?


TESSLER writes:

terms Kirpal Singh's emphasis on  spiritual experience at initiation as
"revolutionary" and "breaking precedent with his own Guru."  Could it not
be possible for the spiritual masters of Sant Mat to extend their grace to
whatever degree they choose, according to the needs of the age? 



Hmm, or could it be that a guru likes to take undue credit for the
neural dischargings of his would-be followers and thereby falsely
benefit by it....

You bet.

Every one of Kirpal's successsors is playing the same game and
reaping the benefits because of it.

And who gets screwed in the end?

The disciple because he is chumped into believing that some turbaned
guru is really doing the mystical fireworks, wherein actual fact the
Inner fireworks are ignited by a much more simple mechanism:

the disciple's OWN NEURAL NET.


TESSLER writes:

It has
often been said that in earlier times aspirants had to live with the guru
for years and were given only one or two names at the time of initiation.
    On the other hand, the term "revolution" was used by Kirpal Singh
himself towards the end of his life to describe the work he embodied.  He
termed it "the spiritual revolution":
   "So Springtime is upon us now; there will be more fragrant Saints, I
would say now, who will come up and give us, through the grace of God,
contact with the God-into-Expression Power.  And this is the revolution,
the spiritual revolution, which is coming up--an awakening all around...In
the past, these things were told in the ears of the disciples after a long
time of testing.  Now it is given out from open platforms; people are
having it without distinction, whether they are ready or not ready, they
are getting something.  This is what is needed--the times have changed
now."106 [From a talk given in Florida in 1972.  Sat Sandesh. March 197,



More humble offerings from Kirpal praising himself and his work.

Every one of your quotes Neil simply confirms my point about
Kirpal's ego problems.

I know you think that is harsh, but that's how it reads for me.

Let me underline, once again, my recurring point:

ALL gurus ARE HUMAN and they display that humanness in many ways
(some egotistical, some not).



E-mail The Neural Surfer directly at

I want to go back to the home base now.